Constantly grabbing the plastic cups, using paper plates, plastic knives and forks, being environmentally friendly at the office isn’t easy. Check out our 5 tips below to make the switch to a more “green” office enivoronment.

  1. Pack your lunch. Bringing lunch means saving money and saving the planet! Be sure to pack your food with glass Tupperware that can be reused and BPA free.
  2. Bring your water bottle. Having a water bottle you can fill up at work will keep you from using plastic bottles than can contain BPA or other harmful substances. Purchase a Yeti or Hydroflask and throw on one of our sleeves and you’ll be set!
  3. Go paperless. If you can- prepare all of your documents online, PDF form or via email instead of sending letters or printing on paper.
  4. Commute! Work from home, commute with a coworker, ride your bike or take public transportation in order to cut down on pollution.
  5. Power down electronics. Turn off all devices at the end of the day to ensure you are saving energy. Whenever leaving a room, be sure to turn off all lights when not in use.

Each of these simple steps can make a huge impact in your office and even set an example for your coworkers.

Written by reuzbl Admin

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